Thursday, March 15, 2012

High Risk Appt. Update.

Welp, I had my usual high risk appt. today. It went well also as usual. My cervix was shorter but that's because they measure it differently then my OB. He put pressure on my abdomen so he could see how long it was as if I was lifting something. So it made my cervix about 4.8cm which is about 1cm less then if I was just sitting in my bed. So that's all still good. Babies fluids were still good. They both measured a week ahead at about 22 weeks, so baby A caught up some. They each also weigh a little bit over 1 pound each. Both of the girls were wiggle worms during the ultrasound, it was hard to get great pics but I did get some. It was more difficult for the ultrasound tech, she had to keep redoing some of the images since they kept moving. I'll post pics at the bottom. I also asked to see my doctor right before we leave for Ohio just to make sure everything is ok right before we go. Then I'll ask my OB to see me right when we get to make sure the stress from the trip didn't harm anything. But everything is great. Oh and baby A was like head down already ready to come out! ha. Her placenta also is moving away from the cervix so thats good. I think I will stick with what I've been doing since it seems to be working... Laying in my bed 90% of most days. I feel them move so much now, it grosses me out a little because it's weird, but at the same time I love it. I don't use the heart monitor really at all any more since I can feel them moving. You can even see them moving on my belly, it's pretty weird and cool! Oh little fun fact for those who want to know... kinda gross so don't continue reading the rest of this paragraph if you don't want to know..... So a new development that most woman will have when pregnant is that their boobies start to leak... well mine have started :) It started a little last week but now its gotten to be more. I had to go buy some breast pads to put into my bra. That would be embarrassing walking around and all the sudden there's two wet spots on me haha.

I also went to the cardiologist the other day since my OB referred me there for the heart palpitations I have been having. Now I have to wear a heart monitor 24/7 for 4 days. I only have the rest of today and tomorrow then I'm done. Thank God because the connector things that attach to my skin are fricken itchy. I cheated last night though and I took it off so I could get a good nights sleep. Anyway they are just doing it to make sure I'm good, which I'm sure I am. I also have to have an echo done on my heart next week. I've been having palpitations for along time now though since about 2005 they just got worse when I got pregnant. So they are just repeating the tests I had done years ago to check things out.

That's about all the updates I have about health and babies. I'm just excited now for our baby shower and seeing everyone we invited! I have other news to announce but I don't want to until I know for sure, but it has to do with the husband's job. Ok now for some adorable photos from the appt! I'll post a pic of my giant belly in a couple days, I just want to rest because I have been running around all day and I am tiiiired!

Baby B profile and her legs and cute little feet!
Baby A profile and cute little foot and hand!

Aren't they just darling! I feel like I love them more and more at each ultrasound. The more they start to look like little people the more excited I get. We got to see their noses and mouths but the pictures didn't come out that great... it looked good on the machine but once they print the pictures they are a little blurry and not as nice. But one baby def. has my pointier nose but with Josh's huge nostrils. The other one looked like it had my nose. I think it was baby B, but she has long legs! Her femur measured to 24 weeks! So I think she's going to be the tall one. But they were rather cute!

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