Sunday, January 22, 2012

Food cravings and aversions

So I have what I call the shit list. Which is food I have eaten while pregnant but then get sick after eating it. Two of the main ones are Chinese and pizza. Two of my favorite foods!! I can't eat either of them or I feel like barfing. Milk is an in-between sometimes I can have it sometimes I can't. Nothing spicy! I don't care for chocolate unless it's chocolate cake.

My favorite foods include strawberries, oranges and cheese. And of course like all other pregnant ladies, pickles! Any kind any flavor, I want them! Cherry tomatoes are awesome too! I like potato products like french fries, chips and baked potatoes. Iv been craving steak lately. I also like cheeseburgers a lot too. I also eat Taco Bell like once or twice a week! Chewing gum, weird I know but I crave gum sometimes.

Random pic for the day of my cat Edmond (Shnoodie). I don't crave him lol

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