Friday, April 27, 2012


I already wrote this post then decided to accidentally delete it. GRRRRRR!

Anyway, now my post will be shortened because I do not feel like rewriting all that again. Im 27 weeks 3 days today. Things have been tough the last couple weeks. Dealt with some real contractions last week so I ended up in labor and delivery. Things turned out fine, I just had another uti so I got more antibiotics. Once those kicked in my contractions have subsided a lot. I have an appointment with my high risk doctor next week and I can't fricken wait. Haven't seen the girls in a month! I've been a little concerned about baby b because she feels like her space is becoming limited since she's stuck up in my ribs and baby a moves around so much compared to her. It's crazy to think that in a little over 4 weeks the babies could arrive any time. They'll be a little early but they'll be fine. It'll be such a relief since I'll know they are here and they are mine and I won't have to be pregnant any more. I can't wait. I feel like I'm back in the first trimester sickness wise. I constantly feel the urge to puke and now I get light headed and feel like passing out occasionally. For example Wednesday at my ob appointment I had my 1 hour glucose test so I drank the drink and ended up passing! With flying colors. The cutoff number for passing is 140, I was 102! I figured because before I got pregnant I had low blood sugar. Anyway afterwards while still at the doctors I got lightheaded and pretty much passed out in the office. Guess its common my doc said. But she rushed to get me a soda and gave me one of her personal granola bars and I felt better. She's very nice, I want her to deliver the girls but I don't get to choose, it's whoever is on call that night. Makes me sad. But yea that was a traumatizing event. Guess I'll post a few pics of things!

This is me at 26 weeks 3 days
This is the awesome stroller my mom got us! Contours options tandem stroller. The seats are reversible to face to different directions and it can cart around 2 infant car seats. 
Got two of these car seats from my sisters. Love them! Chicco Keyfit 30. My cat Edmond needed to make sure they were comfortable first. Which I think they passed his test because every time we go in there he sleeps in them. 

I guess that's it for now. I'll be back after my appointment next week, hopefully with pictures of the girlies!

Friday, April 13, 2012

25Weeks3Days. Been busy.

So holy cow has there been so much going on! First I'll update on the babies progress. They are doing fine. Both almost weigh two pounds. Heart rates are good. Cervix still closed and good. They move around a lot now and I can feel them moving all day long. Sometimes it even catches me off guard because I'll be relaxing and then all the sudden I'll get jabbed in the ribs or gut and it feels so weird and slightly painful. My symptoms are becoming annoying and painful. It's hard to do much throughout the day now, I can go for about an hour or so and then need a break. My feet/ankles start to hurt and are sore. My knuckles and fingers are sore. My back constantly hurts. My sternum hearts a lot of the time because theres a baby up in my chest. And lastly I'm becoming more tired these days I have noticed. I'm exhausted by 8 at night usually.

I had my baby shower this past weekend up in Ohio. Before I get to that I'll explain my uncomfortable drive to and from. On the way to Ohio I stopped about every hour to pee or walk around. It took us about 12 hours to get there. I went through periods where I was uncomfortable and then where I was fine. On our way home to NC it was a little more difficult because I had no room to move around or lay in the back seat. I was confined to the front seat. It wasn't as bad as I had thought it would be but it wasn't fun. I stopped about every hour again but sometimes I could last a little longer just because I wanted it to be over. I didn't swell that bad just an occasional foot or something but it didn't last long.

So for the baby shower, it went amazing! It was great to see so many people show up. Friends. Family and people I didn't even know but my mom invited. We got so much I can't even tell you explain how insane it was. I felt guilty but blessed at the same time. Guilty because people spent so much money on the babies but blessed because we got enough stuff that the husband and I don't have much else to buy. To highlight a couple items we got include, tons of diapers. swings. those bouncy gym things. 2 car seats. clothes some of which were personalized with the girls names and initials, diaper genie, bumbos, hand knitted blankets and a whole bunch more stuff. It was amazing. I'll post pictures once my sister sends me them.

Everyone kept saying I wasn't as big as they thought. Which I guess is good but also made me paranoid. My doc yesterday said I was measuring fine though about 6 centimeters ahead which means I measure about 31 weeks. I don't feel small though and my weight just keeps going up and up. I weighed 156 at the doctors yesterday!! Yes I'll announce my weight. I used to weigh 113.

Washed some of the clothes. Still deciding how I want to arrange the clothes and where to put them. I'm thinking hang all newborn clothes and possibly 3 months. Then put the rest in drawers. Not sure there's enough room for my plan. I got the coolest stroller. It's called the kolkraft contours options tandem stroller. I'll post a pic once I take one.

I'll finish later, got to go round up the dogs that are getting into trouble.

Sunday, April 1, 2012